John Cornicello
Keyboards / Photography
Usually found hiding behind a camera, John Cornicello has been involved with the Cirque de Flambe since June 1999 when he found them while searching for a group with which to go to Burning Man.
Revered and reviled for his ability to capture life's embarrassing moments (please see donut boy), John has usually been found lurking in the background of Cirque rehearsals and performances. That is if you consider sitting in the front row with a bunch of cameras and tripods the background. However, this has all changed...
In July, 2002, John moved from behind the camera to a position behind the keyboards in the Cirque de Flambe band, The Fremont Phillharmonic. "I needed an excuse for all the money I was spending on musical instruments and accessories. Now I can just say, 'I'm with the band.'"
John was born in Brooklyn, New York and grew up in Elizabeth and Linden, New Jersey, but currently resides in the Center of the Universe (Fremont, Seattle, WA) where he works for a software company and plays an adult role as a former board member and treasurer of the Fremont Arts
Council. His main complaint in life is that, "most people my age are so much older than me!"
In John's world at the sound of the tone the time will be now. Come be part of that world. Visit John at Or visit him at home. Just remember to leave your clothes at the door.
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