About the Cirque de Flambé

Notice: The Cirque de Flambé is not related to the Cirque du Soleil. While we support the truly fine work done by Cirque du Soleil, the Cirque de Flambé is different in many ways and not to be confused with Cirque du Soleil in any way shape or form.
The original idea for the Cirque de Flambé came from watching Fellinis film, "The Clowns", and viewing the sections on the French circus "Cirque d'Hiver" museum and the clown melees. The famous circus hall with it's small ring, and the audience that is always so close and present during the shows, made us realize that we should seek an intimate show feel. We see ourselves as modeled after the traveling lively and intimate European one ring circus.
We specialized in the playful use of fire or pyrotechnics in each act to bring out our only uniqueness to blazing delight. So upon hearing the name "Cirque de Flambé", meaning a ring of flame, which so moved us then to start singing Johnny Cash's hit, "I fell into a burning ring of fire". We were totally sold and moving with joy. The great fire was upon us and we could see, really see!!!
One thing leads to another, and then came Tristan Remy's book, titled, "Clown Scenes". In Remy's book of clown skits from the French circuses, comes one of our favorite show acts, the "Clown Dual". Inspiration to do more than merely act like a mine, as in most other American and Canadian circus shows, brought us the note to speak loudly and hotly. Clown melees and the many parodies and satires used in Fellinii's film inspired us to become clown heavy on our running order.
And finally a tribute to Paula Jardine, a French Canadian from Vancouver, B.C., who in 1994 taught many of the founding members of the Cirque de Flambé their initial fire skills. Paula and other French Canadians inspired the founding father to reach back to his earlier ancestral roots and find the Creole French in him. And today, Maque da Vis', a Scotch-French descendent, thrives in leading the wonderfully playful Cirque de Flambé to it's blazing glory.