Who are these people?

The Cirque de Flambé is made up a collection of some rather interesting people. Here's the stories of just a few of them.
Alan Friedman
Amani Loutfy
Andrew Birklid
Beth Farnham
Brian Foley
Candace Reiter
Cheryl Moser
Cheryl Roorda
Chris Crismond
Christopher Huson
Dan "The Body" Goodman
Daniel Walsh
David Godsey
David Hartz
David Roman
David Stern
Doug Farr
Fred Hawkinson
Hannah Viano
Jenn Volpe
Jeremy Reinhold
John Cornicello
John Spinosa
Jon Taylor
Jonathan Boright
Kay McInnis
Kristen Otis
Maque Da Vis'
Michelle Moore
Myron Sizer
Neil Carlberg
Norma Baum
Pam MacRae
Qathi Gallaher Hart
R-A. Arancio-Parrain
Sasha Malinsky
Scott Millican
Sheila Hanlon
Simon Neale
Stuart Zobel
Teresa Burrelsman
Ted Lockery
Tim Furst
Wally Glenn
Zachary Smith