
“Uh oh, playing with Fire” (a parody)
Sandpoint /Magnusson Park August 6-8, August 13-14 2004
First Night Spokane 2002 & 2004
A new show, the Firecracker Suite, was premiered in Spokane, on New Years Eve.
Trolloween, October 31, 1990-2004
Cirque de Flamb� will presents a new pageant every year, which includea the puppetry of Brian Kooser, the music and dance of Vamola� and the Fremont Philharmonic. Trolloween is an event very dear to our hearts. Cirque de Flamb� have been supporting Trolloween since its inception.
Burning Man 1998-2004:
Cirque de Flambé at Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV
Our very first public show was on the Playa in 1998, and every year since we create special fire and pyrotechnic events during the week of the event. This year will be no different. If you are attending Burning Man, come by and say HI at our theme camp to find out what we are up to this year. Check the What/When/Where for details.
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA
CLOWN CHAOS! Homecoming Celebration
Friday, October 4, 2002
Performed July 26 through July 28, 2002 at Sand Point Naval Station
on the north end of Magnuson Park. Shows at 9:30 each night.
Listen to the director of Cirque de Flambe, Maque DaVis along with some
of his lead henchmen and henchwomen as they talk on the daily KUOW-FM
94.9 show The Beat. The show aired Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 2pm. See KUOW.ORG for more info or to listen to an archive of the show.
Pyro Boy on NOVA: NOVA,
the science documentary series produced at WGBH in Boston, is airing a
program on fireworks featuring former Cirque de Flamb� founding member,
Pyro Boy. For more information on Wally Glenn and Pyro Boy, visit his
Web site at www.gwally.com.
Program broadcast date: January 29, 2002
We have been told by NOVA that they are very happy with this show. They
feel it is a very well done documentary on fireworks and worth catching.
Cirque de Flamb� featured in the Seattle P-I
There is a wonderful article by Winda Benedetti on fire performance groups in Seattle.
Bellingham: On
October 6, 2001, The Cirque de Flamb� performed in Bellingham in Red
Square at Western Washington University for the second time this
summer! It was truly a wonderful experience for us and one we hope to
do again very soon. In fact, rumor has it we will be back in Bellingham
in the Spring of 2002.
Utah Arts Festival:
Our run at the Utah Arts festival was a huge success. We presented a
new show called the Verities of Fire. We would like to thank the UAF
for all of their wonderful help in making sure the show was a success.
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